10 UB Chs, Nr Kamal House
Masrani Lane, Halav Pool
Kurla W, Mumbai 70
Phone: 800-006-8844
* Amar Chauhan Group.
Turing Dreams in to Reality. *
100% Space Utlization
We try to make our product slimmer and sharper so they take less space and reduce weight at the same time are effeciently powered.
All our Products come with excellent Controll system, Most of which are setup with Hydraulic Grease for Better control of your devices.
Most of our Products are delivered with excellent printed material or printed panel for easy understand of the options offered with the devices.
100% Quality Components
Our components arrive from Japan and are top of the line, Better Quality means better life and Ready for and little extra Punch Every day.
Proper Security Signs & Symbols
Necessary warning is printed on either sides of most of our unit's in case of a shock or burnouts. Safety Guidelines are also offered to customers.
Type and Chat
We are working on a chat interface to make it better for you to contact us in case you need help on chat. You still have a option to send a message.